Hey there,
It’s Jay, founder of 1ness.
When I was 28 years old I tore my calf muscle playing basketball.
When I went to the emergency room, they refused to give me an MRI because Obama care didn’t cover it.
I went to a clinic that refused to treat me without an MRI.
I was billed for both services that couldn’t help me.
I ended up going to south America for care. Where surgery and recovery program was only a few hundred dollars.
This is when I realized the US healthcare system was scam designed to drain you of your health and resources.
Lesson learned. From that moment on, I decided to take my health in my own hands.
I canceled Obama care and haven’t looked back since.
The more research i did on health, the more I realized that no doctor can actually help me more than I can help myself.
The medical system is a scam. Nobody will heal me but me.
I went on a journey of self healing.
I discovered when I focus on healing, I heal. Its that simple.
That’s when 1ness was born.
I make no medical claims.
Healing is on you.
Our products are designed to help you on your journey of healing and optimizing your life.
They won’t heal you. That’s up to you.
You are the only one that heal yourself.
You are the only one that consciously evaluate your needs and give your self what you need.
We focus on creating the highest quality products pssoble.
Like chlorine dioxide water treatment drops. Because water quality matters.
Chlorine dioxide odor elimination tablets because the air you breath matters.
Mullein extract because lung health matters.
Soursop extract because the gut brain connection matters.
We focus on creating products that matter.
You focus on your health because it matters.
And everything comes together in the end to create a life full of value for yourself and everybody around you.